Friday, April 19, 2013

Imagery of Patriotism

Throughout history, we see the use of film, photography, and sound to invoke emotion in people. When thinking of early imagery that depicts Patriotism we see many scenes that give us a sense of pride and desire to serve our country. One such use of Patriotism is an image of a poster originally created by J. M. Flagg in 1917. This poster is actually based off the original British Lord Kitchener poster 3 years prior which was used to recruit soldiers for World War I and World War II. Flagg used a modified version of his own face for the depiction of Uncle Sam, and Veteran Walter Bolts provided the Pose.

The poster states in bold black letters “I WANT YOU FOR U.S. Army” with the word “You” in bold red color. The words that follow in a smaller text are “Nearest Recruiting Station.” This image is meant to depict “Uncle Sam” as the United States government dressed in a red, white, and blue. He is wearing a hat with blue stripes and stars which is clearly symbolic of the American Flag. He also has a stern face while pointing directly at the viewer to emphasize action needing to be taken.

Since the time this poster was created until the present day, it has served as something that encourages patriotism within people. It serves as a reminder of the past and will continue to remind people in the future of the obligations to the country at any cost. Do you agree with this? Do you think other imagery does this better? Tell me what you think!

1 comment:

  1. I agree with your depiction of this imagery. The patriotism behind Uncle Sam is huge amongst Americans. No matter where you go in America, if you show an American this photo, they will instantly know what it means. The fact that he is pointing to the audience symbolizes action and makes it personal to the viewer. It inspires the viewer to take action for his/her country. Great explanation!
