Friday, January 25, 2013

What is Culture ?

With an ever changing world, technology allows for a free flow of information to be accessed through our fingertips. Whether it be cell phones, computers, portable devices and such, everyone is persistent on being "plugged in" to the virtual world. 

Social Media sites including Facebook and twitter have changed the way that we interact with each other.  Some theorists argue that this change is so drastic that it has obscured culture. To know if there is indeed a culture shift we must first define it, and thus must ask ourselves:

What is culture?

Merriam Webster’s Dictionary has two definitions of culture that seem appropriate to the context which we are discussing:

  1. the customary beliefs, social forms, and material traits of a racial, religious, or social group; also : the characteristic features of everyday existence (as diversions or a way of life} shared by people in a place or time
  2. the set of shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices that characterizes an institution or organization

Most view culture from the sociological perspective, which would best be illustrated by the first definition. While the second definition gives us a better understanding of the term culture in terms of the Internet.

Cyberculture has grown quite prominent in the last few years. As we discusses in class, internet culture can be expressed in many ways including that of  memes , animated gifs , and an extensive amount of satirical imagery that aims to convey a message. 

Regardless of what most people view traditional culture as, one thing is for sure. We are moving towards an age where cyberculture is dominating social interactions around the world. 


  1. Very well written! It is unique (as well as awesome) that you framed your argument through technology and the effect of technology on culture.

  2. I agree with your view that culture is evolving differently because of the internet. The internet and social media are having a large effect on the younger generation. For example, college aged students make use of sarcasm over the internet, and they understand it. However, an person of an older generation may not understand the humor over the internet.

  3. I really enjoyed your post Adnan! I completely agree with you final statement that we as a society are moving towards a cyberculture that dominates social interactions. What I would love for you to explore would be the benefits and detriments that movement is and could potentially cause in the realm of social interaction. Overall, I loved how you brought in the convention of satirical images to convey messages and your voice through this post.
